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A Late bloomer
in the world of Composition

Anahita Modarresi is a self-taught Composer and Artist who discovered her passion for storytelling through music and paintings , in 2014.

At the age of 29, despite having no prior studies in the field, she found her purpose and a second chance in life through writing music.
Her first piece "Parallel Lives" was born out of a dark moment in her life, when she was battling her inner demons and thinking of giving up on life. The melody kept repeating itself in her head until she played it on a keyboard, and from then on, she knew she had found her calling.
Anahita tells the stories of her life through music, combining moments of joy and sorrow to inspire and awaken the imagination of her listeners. Her music is a reflection of her own journey, and she hopes to connect with her audience's inner feelings and inspire them to chase after their dreams, regardless of the hardships and limitations they may face.
Pain, Love, Magic, and Fantasy are great sources of inspiration for Anahita, both in Music and painting.

She is also passionate about gemstones and perfumes, which trigger her thoughts and memories and bring her to an inspired state of mind.
Through her Creations, Anahita invites her audience to join her on a journey of self-discovery, healing, and Fantasy.

Where Pain has a Melody & Magic is real
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